Raman-self-frequency-shift-based (RSFS) high-speed all-optical analog-to-digital converters (ADC) need sub-picosecond sampling pulses for large frequency shift in order to achieve high resolution. Therefore, the pulses with the picosecond pulse-width from the mode-locked laser need to be compressed to realize higher quantization performance. All-fiber pulse-width blog wedding dresses 2010 compressors using the combination of the nonlinear effects and the dispersion effects in the optical fibers are good candidates to realize the above-mentioned purposes because of its compact structure and low loss etc.In this thesis, the interaction between the self-phase modulation (cheap jeans shop) and the group velocity dispersion(GVD) in the nonlinear optical fibers is studied firstly, and then two kinds of all-fiber pulse-width compressors using single-stage comb-like dispersion fibers and anomalous dispersion varying fiber respectively are designed, both of which can be used in the Raman-self-frequency-shift-based all-optical analog-to-digital converters. The evolutions of the optical pulses in both of the compressors are simulated through numerically solving the generalized nonlinear Schr?dinger (discount wedding prom dresses) equation using the symmetrized split-step Fourier method, and the system parameters making both of the compressors useful for the above-mentioned analog-to-digital converters are cheap nike shoes given. Finally, the influence of the third-order dispersion on the compressor performance is analyzed.Simulation results show that, for the all-fiber pulse-width compressor using wedding dresses 2nd single-stage comb-like dispersion shop 4u blog for shirts fibers, two kinds of fiber combination can achieve the pulse-width compression from 2 ps to 300 fs and 200 fs for the Gaussian pulses, which can greatly enhance the performance of the ADC.